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Read MoreCzechAdvisors
As people who have spent part of their lives abroad, we know the difficulties involved.
And as experienced financial advisors, we know that there are very few advisory firms in the Czech Republic that we would be willing to trust with our own money, and none of them work systematically with expats.
This market vacuum inspired us to create a company providing a comprehensive wealth management service. The kind of service we would want to get abroad ourselves.

Štěpán Kubeček and Maxmilián Rožek Founders of CzechAdvisors
Štěpán Kubeček, Co-Founder
Maxmilián Rožek, Co-Founder
What Can We Help You With?
Through our career in financial advising we noticed major shortcomings in launguage skills of many advisors. As a result many ex-pats who live in Czech republic and want to buy property, get insurance or invest money did not have a option to consult anything with a professional. We decided to change that and made a great team of english speaking advisors who are specificaly trained to help ex-pats.
Why To Work With Us
What We Care The Most About
Our main goal is to create a financial consulting group specificaly designed to help expats and make financial advising easily accessable to them
Our Goal
Our vision is to deliver a complex and accessible service to foreign nationals that erases the difference between them and native customers.
Our team members are proud holders of PFP or EFA titles, which are prestigious European titles awarded by the European Financial Planning Agency EFPA. All advisors are officially certified by the Czech National Bank

Who Do We Cooperate With?
We work with the largest banks, investment companies, insurance companies and other financial institutions.

Let’s Arrange An Appointment
Úvěry a pojištění zprostředkovávám jako vázaný zástupce zapsaný v registru ČNB pod IČO: 04918053 a zároveň registrovaný pod samostatným zprostředkovatelem BEplan finanční plánování s.r.o. Na Poříčí 1046/24, 110 00 Praha 1, IČ: 05779944. Zároveň jsem v rámci investičních služeb vázaným zástupce společnosti In Investments a.s., se sídlem K Moravině 1871/7, 190 00, Praha 9, IČ: 03002578